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World’s largest floating solar power plant

40MW capacity, Huainan city in Anhui province

Leading the way

China, the world’s second largest economy has been a high CO2 producing country for decades, many cite its rapid industrial growth and laxed regulations are the primary reasons. In response to these statements China is rapidly developing strategies to build sustainable and renewable energy infrastructure. Such investments will allow China to join world’s top energy performers shortly.

China, which already produces two-thirds of the world’s solar panels, to boast of its commitment to accelerating investment and reforms for greater use of renewable energies.

China, which already produces two-thirds of the world’s solar panels, to boast of its commitment to accelerating investment and reforms for greater use of renewable energies. China already produces more than 66 percent of world’s solar panels. China has also led the way when it comes to investments in renewable energy infrastructure, Bloomberg reports that they have invested over $88 billion on wind and solar power in 2016.

In 2016 China’s solar capacity has doubled and they have set a goal of producing 20 percent of all power needed through use of “low-emission” sources which includes nuclear, China current produces 11 percents of the power through use of such sources.

Turning the switch ON

This 40MW plant in Huainan city in Anhui province is the world’s largest floating solar power plant. Interestingly the facility is built on a flooded former coal mine.

Floating solar power plants are becoming popular around the world as they provide unique solutions and efficiencies such as freeing up lucrative land in highly populated cities and their inherent design can reduce evaporation of water. Cooler air at the surface of the water also helps the overall efficiency of the photovoltaic cells. Rapidly declining cost for capital due to advancements in technology are increasing the popularity of solar plants.

China already has a 10 sq mile, land based facility in Longyangxia Dam Solar Park, which is regarded as one of the world’s largest solar installation.

Experts predict that by 2020 the costs for photovoltaic technology will reduce by a third. China is targeting to increase its use of renewable energy sources by 20%.


The author, KetanDeshpande, lives in Minnesota and writes about a variety of topics in his blog such as global economy, market and industry trends, successful strategies for businesses, and others. Leveraging his global strategic leadership experience from the manufacturing industry to offer insights in to how businesses can meet the sustainable growth and profitability goals.

Ketan Deshpande is also passionate about sustainability and renewable energy; he curates and shares latest updates in his blog posts. Recently the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency(SMMPA) of Litchfield, Minnesota, endorsed Ketan Deshpande for an energy conservation project.

This blog also features memorable events, travel experiences and his favorite places to visit in the great state of Minnesota.

Ketan Deshpande Minnesota, MN

5 thoughts on “World’s largest floating solar power plant

  1. चायनाची कमाल आहे.प्लांटचे परिसरातील पाण्याचे बाष्पीभवन होणार नाही ह्या पर्यावरणाला खूप फायदा झाला आहे. मला ही वास्तव्यातील कल्पना अतिशय आवडली.

  2. चायनाची कमाल आहे.प्लांटचे परिसरातील पाण्याचे बाष्पीभवन होणार नाही ह्या पर्यावरणाला खूप फायदा झाला आहे. मला ही वास्तव्यातील कल्पना अतिशय आवडली. This is a great achievement. hats off to China.

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