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Global Economic Outlook

In Q1 2017 the global economy was driven by strong growth in manufacturing & trade and The International Monetary Funds (IMF) latest report shows that the broad based growth will continue through 2018. Blog post by Ketan Deshpande, MN

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How to maximize fuel economy

So the answer to "how efficient are today's cars" is, lot more efficient if we as drivers join forces with the technology. Leverage the features and technologies car makers are providing and lets reduce our carbon footprint starting from today! Post by Ketan Deshpande, MN

economy · Global economy · Global trends · US Economy

Are manufacturing jobs coming back?

Manufacturing companies need to ensure sustainable growth and profitability in today's global and competitive economy. Cost management is the primary reason for out sourcing jobs to "low cost" countries however increasing amount of automation is also changing the dynamic ..... read on

General · Minnesota · MN · US Economy

Which states rank the best

 I really liked the comprehensive method USNews used to rank all states. Their rating considered typical state data such as population, GDP growth, educational rating, economic and racial diversity, etc.. Apart from these typical data points they also considered health care, education, states infrastructure, crime, opportunity, internet and public safety and the integrity and health of state government.